Sunday 24 October 2010

Prefect Board Annual Dinner

23 October 2010, Saturday
7.15pm - 10.30pm
Pearl Point Hotel
110+ participants

A very "unforgetable" dinner, with lousy PA system, not really delicious food, tasteless juice, and too serious atmosphere...Means, not enough fun...T.T

By the way, we like to share some photos which took in the dinner. We looked enjoying the dinner, but it wasn't the truth, just acting...

However, it was the last chance for us to have a dinner with those form 5 prefects , with the identity of prefects.Sincerely thank to our seniors as they always guide and help us in our job. Besides that, we also apologize to them for the fault we did before.

There is a very challenging work for us to "take care" the school after their leaving. We promised to continue our work as well as we can. Before that, we pray for more concern from school discipline institution by giving sufficient assistance in our duty.

Lastly, we wished our Form 5 seniors success in their SPM... =)

Smack Soul Band

Form 5 seniors

Form 5 Seniors

Peace !

- End -



Tuesday 19 October 2010


A :“马来西亚真是一个充满丰富色彩的国家”
B :“对啊,马来西亚真棒,美食也特别多”
C : “还有还有,这里的风景自然美丽,吸引很多游客呢”
D : “而且啊,这里资源丰富,人才济济,世界各地都能看见来自大马的人才呢”
E : “既然具备那么充足的条件,为什么这里不比邻国那地小人少资源少的新加坡来得更发达?”




得承认,这是国家成长的绊脚石,但却是政客们喜爱的炒作花式。抄来抄去,结果,焦了...“要补救吗?” “要” 那么我们就举办一些活动,介绍各族的文化,了解彼此,这样好吗?” “哦,听起来不错哦。” “是吗?好吧,那我们继续炒作...”




如果你读完了这篇文章,你觉得热血沸腾,你觉得打抱不平,你觉得感叹惊讶,或者你只是冷静的认同,我想你和作者一样,爱马来西亚。若你不认同,我想你也是爱马来西亚,但是方式不一样 =)

Wednesday 13 October 2010

After PMR

As promised,we were having a "mini" celebration at Hoho Steamboat Restaurant. Then, there was a crazy game for us in internet cafe, keep shouting...xD

Date : 13/10/2010
Time : 18:30 - 22.00
Participants : 9
Aim : " Relax " after PMR
Mood : Crazy & Happy

some photos taken, not really clear =( ( Since too hungry, did not take more photos )


Friday 8 October 2010

Sitting PMR

09 Oct 2010- Saturday

3 PMR candidates were having their conversation, at Messenger, in front of monitor, on the chairs, in the Earth...

Candidate A - PMR is a measure of our progress to the stage of learning. We do not give up but more efforts should be! Come on!

Candidate B - PMR.. another level in our life.. Some people might feel it is unimportant, but in my view, we should do our best.

Candidate C - PMR...This is a game, victory depends on the attitude of players. So, please play hard.

*You may guess who are them, gift is given to who with the complete correct answer. Have a try =)

Few days more to the ending of PMR 2010. It means there is another beginning in the future is waiting for us. Well, Good luck to everyone.